Friday, October 10, 2008 at 2:00 PM |  
Setelah blogwalking ke rumahnya Mbak Ophie, aku tertarik untuk meng-copy puisi ini. boleh yah Mbak hehe......

We need friends for many reasons,
all throughout the season.

We need friends to comfort us when we are sad,
and to have fun with us when we are glad.

We need friends to give us good advice,
We need someone we can count on,
and treat us nice.

We need friends to remember us
one we have passed
sharing memories that will always last.

Spread the poem of friendship
1. Siraj 2. Asmus~Ark 3. Andiana 4. Indah 5. Nia 6. Netty 7. Novy. 8. Mommy Farah 9.Neng ophie 10.Pumiko. 11. Who's next....hehehe
Posted by Pumiko Labels: